[7 Fixes] How to Fix “Word Could Not Create the Work File. Check the Temp Environment Variable
Microsoft Word is the most widely accepted word processing application which is used by numerous users all over the world. You can create documents of projects, stories, and can make notes using the Word tool provided by Microsoft. At certain times, you may encounter several errors while trying to access your word documents. And these errors hinder you to view data stored in your word file and work with it properly. Likewise, here in this tutorial, I am going to discuss one of the common errors “Word could not create the work file check the temp environment variable Windows 10” along with its best fixes.
so, let’s get started…
What Is “Word Could Not Create The Work File Check The Temp Environment Variable” Error?
Well, you may receive the below-stated error message when you try to use or create the MS Word document.
“Word could not create the work file. Check the Temp environment variable”.
What Causes This Error?
The cause of this error has been recognized as the corruption in the Temporary Internet Files folder for Windows Internet Explorer which is set to be in a location where you don’t hold permission to create new temporary files.
But, you need not worry about as in the below section of this post you’ll get the possible fixes to repair word unable to create new documents error effectively.
How to Fix “Word Could Not Create the Work File. Check the Temp Environment Variable?
Below are the six best workarounds that can be used to solve ‘Word could not create the work file’ error. So, let’s find out the solutions…
Fix #1: Change A Location of the Temp Files
Sometimes, the above-mentioned error can be caused because of the temp files. To get rid of this issue you need to change the location of the Temporary Internet Files. Follow the below steps, how to do so:
Step 1: Open the internet explorer, and go to the Tools >> Internet Options.
Step 2: In the internet options Dialog Box, you have to click the General
Step 3: After that make a tap on settings in a browsing history section
Step 4: Now, in the History settings dialog, just click on “Move Folder”.
Step 5: Next, select the following location:
Drive:>UsersAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet Files.
Step 6: At last, you need to click on OK & then need to restart your PC.
If, this solution won’t work, then go with the next one.
Fix #2: Create Your Word Temp Folder By Using The CMD Command
Another option that you can try to resolve the error message “check the temp environment variable word 2016” is creating the temp folder using the CMD command. To fix with CMD, simply try these steps:
- First of all, press the Win key, and then type the command cmd.exe
- Choose the “Run as administrator” option
- After that, you need to type the below-given syntax & then hit the Enter
cd /d %USERPROFILE%AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsINetCache MD Content.Word
Fix #3: Check the permission
Insufficient permission to the INetCache can also cause the word couldn’t create the work file, Check the Temp environment variable error. Hence, check the permission once & take the ownership of a folder by following the below steps –
- Firstly, get access to the command prompt by trying the previous solution & type the below text –
icacls %USERPROFILE%AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsINetCache
- Ensure the permission displayed in the output is like
Fix #4: Edit the Registry Values
Well, if the error “Word could not create the work file check the temp environment variable” occurs because of the incorrect registry value in a key, just change a registry with an accurate value.
Follow the below instructions to alter the registry
Step 1: Go to the Start
Step 2: Then, type the Regedit in a Run box & hit the ‘enter’ button.
Step 3: Find & click on below registry subkey:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER >> Software >> Microsoft >> Windows >> CurrentVersion >> Explorer >> User Shell Folders
Step 4: Now, make double-click on Cache registry entry, then type the below command in a Value data box:
%USERPROFILE%AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet Files
Step 5: At this time, you need to click on OK
Note: Make sure that you’ve done this properly or not. Because if you’ve changed with any of the incorrect value then it will be very risky.
Fix #5: Configure The Microsoft Word Once More
This solution will again register & configure office files which are useful to fix word could not create the work file Windows 7 issue. To do so, you need to follow the below steps:
- Just press the Win + R keys together to invoke a Run dialog.
- Next, type the winword.exe /rand and hit the enter button.
Note: The configuration method will take a few minutes to fix this error.
Fix #6: Create Inetcachecontent.Word Folder
The INetCacheContent.Word folder supports to easily open & save your word documents on the Windows and corruption or absence of the same might throw an error message. Therefore, create folder trying the below steps –
- First, you need to press the Win + R keys.
- Type path C:Usersyour_user_nameAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindows
- Now, hit the enter button (but do not forget to change user profile).
- When finding the location, then right-click & select the New => Folder.
- Rename a folder INetCacheContent.Word.
Automatic Way To Word Could Not Create The Work File. Check The Temp Environment Variable Office 2019
After performing all the above workarounds, try to open your word file, if you are able to open it without any error then it’s great. However, if still you’re unable to open your file that clearly means your word file actually got damaged & you need an excellent third party tool to repair the corrupt Word document.
You can use the professional Word File Repair Tool to fix Word could not create the work file check the temp environment variable Windows 7/10. It is specially designed to repair and recover corrupt or inaccessible .doc files. I am suggesting this excellent tool because it resolves the MS word file issues in minimum consumption of time and effort.
It repairs and recovers document text along with its important stuff like indentation, formatting, charts, hyperlinks, images, tables, etc. So, just download and install this tool from the below-given buttons respectively.

Hence, try its easy steps to troubleshoot the Word could not create the work file check the temp environment variable preview pane error with ease.
Steps To Repair The Error “Temp Environment Variable Windows 10”
Step 1: User needs to just select a single file by clicking on a ‘Select File’ option or simply on a folder that contains all word files. They need to click on the ‘Select Folder’ or need to find the file clicking on the ‘Find File’ option.
Step 2: As a list of the selected files is displayed, the user needs to thus make the selection of the Word file by using a checkbox that they want to repair. They need to select all files by marking the ‘Select All’ checkbox. After that, they need to click on the ‘Scan’ button.
Step 3: He/she could easily saw the preview of the scanned file just by clicking on the file in both ‘Full document, and ‘Filtered text’ formats by clicking the tab given on the middle pane of the Window.
Step 4: If the scanned word file sis a*.doc file, then there will an available preview in the “Raw text” format along with the ‘Filtered Text’ formats and ‘Full Document’ and ‘Filtered Text’ formats.
Step 5: For repairing, the user needs to simply click on the click on the ‘Start Repair’ option. Then they need to make the selection of the option for saving their file from the ‘Save Document’ dialog box and thus click the ‘Ok’ button.
Bottom Line
Undoubtedly, you can fix “Word could not create the work file. Check the temp environment variable error by trying the manuals. But if in case it fails then you have another option to try as well.
Yes, you can use the best and most reliable Word File Repair Tool to repair word could not create the work file. Check the temp environment variable office 365 and also recover your word file.
Hope this works. All the very best to you!!!

Steven Telfer is a senior writer at filerepairtool.net. He is a technology expert having over 4 years of experience and loves to write in different subjects like Video Repair, Microsoft Excel, QuickBooks, Word & others. He has a Master’s degree in Computer Application and has solve many technical problems. In free time, he loves to read books and do research work to grow in his field.