[Fixed] Word Cannot Open This File Because It Is Larger Than 512 Megabytes Error
The actual maximum size of the Word document limits to 32 MB for the total document text. This limitation does not include the graphics. The Word file contains both the text and graphics that are limited to 512 MB. You know how hard it is to create a document that is big in size. Before maximizing the size limit the maximum page limit that must be imposed then you will get the “Word Cannot Open This File Because It Is Larger Than 512 Megabytes” message. Well, you need not worry, in this tutorial you will learn how to open a text file larger than 512 MB with perfect solutions.
So, let’s get started…
How To Open Big Files In Word, Word Cannot Open This File Because It Is Larger Than 512 Megabytes?
If you’re not able to open large word files then in such a situation MS Word File Repair Tool can be the best choice. It helps you in recovering back your word files even it exceeds the limit of 32 MB.
It is an easy-to-use tool that repairs corrupt MS Word (.doc, .docx) files without modifying the original text, images, fonts, headers/footers, and hyperlinks. You can see the preview of your files after completion of the scan process. With its Advance Repair Option, it assists you to make the decision if you want to repair the Word file. If a repair fails to remove corruption and provides satisfactory results, you can opt for Advance Repair for comparatively better results. This repair option of the tool is available for .doc files only.
So, just download & install the Word File Repair software from the below-given buttons. And try the step-by-step guide to know how to open big files in word, the word cannot open this file because it is larger than 512 megabytes.

Steps To Repair Word Cannot Open This File Because It Is Larger Than 512 Megabytes:
Step 1: User needs to just select a single file by clicking on a ‘Select File’ option or simply on a folder that contains all word files. They need to click on the ‘Select Folder’ or need to find the file clicking on the ‘Find File’ option.
Step 2: As a list of the selected files is displayed, the user needs to thus make the selection of the Word file by using a checkbox that they want to repair. They need to select all files by marking the ‘Select All’ checkbox. After that, they need to click on the ‘Scan’ button.
Step 3: He/she could easily saw the preview of the scanned file just by clicking on the file in both ‘Full document, and ‘Filtered text’ formats by clicking the tab given on the middle pane of the window.
Step 4: If the scanned word file sis a*.doc file, then there will an available preview in “Raw text” format along with the ‘Filtered Text’ formats and ‘Full Document’ and ‘Filtered Text’ formats.
Step 5: For repairing, the user needs to simply click on the click on the ‘Start Repair’ option. Then they need to make a selection of the option for saving their file from the ‘Save Document’ dialog box and thus click the ‘Ok’ button.
How Do I Open A Word Document Larger Than 512 MB (Manually)?
#Solution 1: Rename The Document
To fix Word document opens too large error, you have to rename the document to have a .zip extension. This does not mean that you need to compress the document. It simply means that you need to change the file extension. In this case, no compression is necessary. To rename the Word document, just try these steps:
Step 1: In the Windows Explorer, just open the Word folder
Step 2: From the inside media folder you have to find all the images etc. which is used in the document.
Step 3: Then, you need to either delete these files if you don’t want them. Or you can move them to a different location if you want to keep them.
Step 4: After that, rename the document’s file extension to the .docx and you will need to open the document in the Word again.
Step 5: Now, whenever you get the location in your document where an image that is used to be (before you deleted it), then you will see a placeholder.
Step 6: Select it and delete it or replace it with another image. Then you need to replace it, select it, and then on the Format tab in the Picture Tools tab and then click on the Change Picture (in the Adjust group).
Step 7: Next, navigate to a new picture or search for one, and select it and click on the Insert.
Note: The Word will take a long time to open up large documents.
Step 8: Lastly, don’t make use of the ctrl + alt + delete. The Word provides a progress report and will open the large document eventually.
#Solution 2: Compress the Images
To solve how to open large word files, you can also try Insert and then Picture menu to just add the picture from your PC in the space-friendly file format such as JPG format, instead of pasting it in. When you try to paste, the Word adds an image as the BMP or PNG, which both take up lots of space.
At last, on Save As menu, simply you need to select the Tools and Compress Pictures option. After that, choose the Resolution for almost all of them. Depending on a file, you may be able to get away with lower-quality images to save more space.
People Also Ask
What Is The Maximum Size Of A File That Word Can Open?
The maximum file size of a file that word can open is limited to 32 MB for the total document text only. And, it doesn’t include graphics, regardless of how the graphics image is inserted (Link to file, Save with document, or Wrapping style) into the document.
Why Is My Word Document So Large?
Well, your Word documents may get so large is due to the font embedding. And users can embed the fonts if they’re using the non-standard font size & open the Word document on a device that doesn’t have a font installed.
How Do I Compress The Size Of A DOCX File?
To compress the size of a .docx file, you need to follow the below steps:
- First of all, drag & drop the Word document into a document compressor.
- Then, we’ll commence decreasing the word file size in the PDF format.
- Next, download a file & simply convert it back to the Word format.
- Lastly, the document should now be in a much smaller size and simply download it.
To Sum Up
So these are the two solutions that will help you to resolve “this document is too large for the word to handle” error. However, if you want an instant way to repair the word cannot open this file because it is larger than 512 megabytes, then my recommendation is to try MS Word File Repair Tool as it is easy, simple, and safe.
Last but not the least, I hope you liked this article.
Thanks for reading this blog…
Steven Telfer is a senior writer at filerepairtool.net. He is a technology expert having over 4 years of experience and loves to write in different subjects like Video Repair, Microsoft Excel, QuickBooks, Word & others. He has a Master’s degree in Computer Application and has solve many technical problems. In free time, he loves to read books and do research work to grow in his field.